For Volunteers

SAYHA volunteers

The U.S. Center for SafeSport was created by Congress and is a federally mandated program to address and prevent abuse and misconduct in the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement, and to transform athletic culture so every athlete is safe, supported, and strengthened.

SAYHA relies on volunteers throughout the season and we require at least one person from each family to become Safe Sport Certified.

To do so, please complete the following steps.

  • Step 1 - USA Hockey Registration

    This is free for volunteers, and must be done each year.
    Register with USA Hockey

    2024/25 USA Hockey numbers have a 5 as the fourth digit of your number: (example: 123546789XXSAY).

  • Step 2 - Safe Sport Training

    This is free for volunteers, and must be completed each year.
    Complete Your Safe Sport Training

    *It may take a day for your USA Hockey Registration to be recognized with Safe Sport. 

  • Step 3 - USA Hockey Background Check

    In compliance with requirements from the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC), USA Hockey has implemented a national-level background screening policy using NCSI which is the only background check accepted by USA Hockey. 

    A background screening is valid for 2 years and is reimbursed by SAYHA by sending your receipt to our Nicole Adams (

    Complete Your Background Screening

    Please see for questions.

CelebratinG SAYHA (1)

Once all requirements are completed, please send only your USA Hockey confirmation number to Shelby or Nicole in the front office ( or

This confirmation number is found on your USA Hockey registration receipt. Confirmation numbers are 9 digits and 5 letters (example: 123546789XXSAY).

Following verification of completion of all requirements, you will receive your Safe Sport volunteer badge which should be worn at all times when volunteering.


SAYHA Volunteer Policy

Thank you for your participation in Spokane Youth Hockey! Our collective goal is to provide our players with an exceptional hockey experience, and your assistance is greatly appreciated!

Why are volunteers necessary? Through volunteering, each family is able to personally contribute to the success of the organization. To make volunteer work more equitable for the entire association, the Board of Directors has established this Volunteer Policy for all members of our hockey association.

What is the volunteer commitment? All Rep Division families must perform a minimum of fifteen (15) hours of volunteer work during the year for each registered player. All House Division families must perform a minimum of five (5) hours of volunteer work during the season for each registered player (with the exception of Learn to Play families). For families with three (3) or more registered players within one household, your minimum commitment is capped at thirty (30) hours for the Rep Division and ten (10) for the House Division. All members are encouraged to volunteer in excess of the minimum requirements.

The “Volunteer Year” will be April 1 through March 31. There will be NO gifting of hours or roll over hours from year to year. However, members may choose to volunteer at events on behalf of another player's family. However, members cannot "donate" hours to anyone else at a later date.

Families who join the club after January 1 may talk to the Member Relations Director about pro-rating their volunteer hours.

Alternate Option - Volunteer "Buy Out." For those members who might have more financial resources than time, SAYHA allows for a buy out of $375 at the time of registration in lieu of providing volunteer hours. Please note that even with the buy-out option, families are still required to complete a minimum of three (3) volunteer hours at the home tournament of your player(s) (if applicable).

The maximum buyout per family is $750.

  • Volunteer Opportunities

    There are several opportunities during the season to meet your volunteer hour commitment, including but not limited to:

    • Locker Room Monitor
    • Scorekeeper
    • Clock Volunteer
    • Penalty Box Volunteer
    • Learn to Play Volunteer
    • On Ice Volunteer
    • Spring/Summer Programming Volunteer
    • Board Member
    • SAYHA Committee Member
    • Volunteer for Special Projects
    • Other Team or Association Opportunities (approved by the Team Manager and/or SAYHA Staff)
  • How Volunteer Hours Are Tracked

    In general, you will receive 1 (one) hour of credit for every hour worked. Certain positions within our organization are particularly demanding and automatically fulfill volunteer requirements. These positions include:

    • Board Positions
    • Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches - (maximum of 4 rostered Coaches per team)
    • Team Managers - (maximum of 2 rostered Team Managers per team)
    • Age Group Coordinators
    • Conduct and Character Committee Members

    Members are responsible for identifying, scheduling their volunteer hours and tracking their own volunteer assignments. All volunteer hours must be logged and reported with this link.

  • Remaining Hours Assessment

    If you have elected to work volunteer hours to meet your volunteer commitment, all hours must be completed during the season. The SAYHA Board of Directors will work with you if you need additional hours to meet your requirement - there are ALWAYS projects!

    • Any hours remaining at the end of the season (March 31 of each year), will be charged at a rate of $50.00 per hour.
    • Any fees assessed for remaining hours must be paid directly to SAYHA by March 31.
    • Your volunteer hours must be completed or bought out by March 31 in order to register for the next season.
    • Any unfulfilled or unpaid hours are subject to collection and/or release from the association if not completed by March 31.
  • Above and Beyond!

    If you have elected to work volunteer hours to meet your volunteer commitment, and you exceed the fifteen (15) hour requirement, we first want to say THANK YOU! We also want to acknowledge that you are a SUPER VOLUNTEER with our new incentive program. 


    • 16-25 Hours = Jr. Chiefs SWAG (hat, water bottle, etc.) and SHOUT OUT in our Newsletter!
    • 26-40 Hours = Prize Drawing for a SquadLocker Gift Certificate
    • 41-50 Hours = Prize Drawing for Kraken Tickets
    • 51-60 Hours = Nominated for Volunteer of the Year Awards
  • Hardship Policy

    On occasion there are families that are experiencing hardship and are unable to fulfill their volunteer commitments. If you are concerned about fulfilling these hours, please contact the Member Relations Director and your situation will be reviewed.

  • Acknowledgement at Registration

    This policy will be acknowledged at registration with the following language: I understand the volunteer requirements for the upcoming season. I also understand that if the volunteer requirements are not met, I will be charged a fee for those hours, and that in order to remain in Good Standing with the organization, any fees or unfulfilled hours will need to be paid or completed by March 31.
