Kindra Hankins

12U Age Group Coordinator
As a child I grew up at the rink. Not being allowed to play hockey myself never stopped me from being the most dedicated hockey sister I possibly could be. Then when I discovered my son enjoyed the sport
of hockey so much, it made my heart burst with joy. I’ve been an official hockey mom for almost 4 years now, and love every minute of it! Yes, even despite those crazy early mornings, late nights, weekend
away games and the never-ending stench of a hockey bag. The past couple of years I have worked as the team manager, helped with tournaments, organized several team building events and learned a lot along the way. With my degree in Education and working in childcare it’s no surprise my passion is always with children and their families. When I’m not at the rink I spend as much quality time as I can with family and dedicate myself to being the most present mom, aunt and friend I can be. Nothing is better than the smell of fresh shaved ice and company of the rink family! I’m thankful and excited to be this year’s 12U AGC!