14U Red – Larson – 14U House division focus group meeting
Location: Eagles Ice Arena – Conference room above rink 2
During our teams practice. This will be an informal meeting where we hope to gather constructive opinions, insights, and feedback from our SAYHA families regarding various aspects about their season schedule, player development, team dynamics and fundraising. Our staff and BOD will also be available to answer budget/financial questions, and hear your thoughts about spring/summer programming and the upcoming 2024-25 season. The goal is to gain a deeper understanding of our members’ perspectives, preferences, and ideas about our programming to inform decision-making processes, improve our program, and enhance the overall experience for our players. The insights gathered from these sessions will be valuable for shaping strategies, developing marketing campaigns, and making informed decisions for the 24-25 season and beyond! (Arrival Time: 4:30 PM (PST))