Roadmap to Success

Join us on the ice!

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Pre-School Skate

Ages 3-8 | 1 hour sessions

Open skate sessions at Eagles Ice Arena, open to pre-school-aged children and their parents each week.


Learn to Skate with Lilac City Figure Skating Club

Ages 4+ | 4 weeks | 1 hour sessions

Skaters learn fundamental skating skills including safe falling, gliding, stroking forward and backward, stopping, turns, and beginning spins and jumps.

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Learn to Play Hockey with SAYHA

Ages 5+ | 8 weeks | 1 hour sessions

Players learn the fundamentals and skills needed to play hockey through fun and engaging station-based practices that build and grow a passion for the sport. Emphasis is put on teamwork, developing and refining motor skills, cooperation, and fair play. Players may join at any age level after completing Learn to Skate.

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8U House Division

Ages 5-8 | 20 weeks | Weekly Practices/Games

8U House Division hockey is a recreational level of play with intra-Association games, and some tournaments throughout the season. At Rate Skate, 8U players are drafted onto Novice, Intermediate, or Advanced House Division teams. Players receive more equal ice time regardless of experience level, skill, or talent. House hockey also carries a lower overall cost and about 40 hours of hockey/20 weeks (in a normal season, October-March).


10U+ House Division

Ages 9-18 | 20 weeks | Weekly Practices/Games

House Division at 10U+ is recreational play with 1-2 practices per week, intra-Association games, local league play, and some local tournaments throughout the season making it easy to fit house league hockey into a hectic family schedule.. Players receive more equal ice time regardless of experience level, skill, or talent. The 10U and 12U divisions are split into 3 skill levels for development. House hockey carries a lower overall cost and about 40 hours of hockey/20 weeks (in a normal season, October-March).


10U+ Rep Division

Rep Division Ages 9-18 | 24 weeks | Weekly Practices/Games Out-of-Region Tournaments, State Festival & National Bound Tournament Teams

Rep (Representative) Hockey is the highest caliber of hockey available at SAYHA. Rep teams typically roster 13-17 players representing the more skilled and talented players in their age group. Rep is more expensive due to the nature of travel, 2-3 practices each week, and weekend games. Rep includes 100+ hours of hockey (in a normal season, September-March). Players are evaluated for Rep teams in the late summer.