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U17 Zone – Team Dinner

Location: Fish Ladder Lounge
Carson’s Aunt Allyson is generously hosting our team dinner Saturday night.
Arrive between 5:30-6 and they will have bites ready for people. They will provide some food for the group.
Families can also order off of the menu and run bar tabs on their own.
—after sat mornings game I will get a head count of those planning to attend so Allyson can prepare.
— if we know our schedule changes and the team is not able to have a team dinner Sat night, we will notify Allyson on Sat after our morning game.
— the restaurant is approximately 10 miles from our hotel.
Thank you to the Fish Ladder Lounge for being so flexible and generous!! (Arrival Time: 5:30 PM (Pacific Time (US & Canada)))